Join AHS


Members and visitors are all welcome to attend meetings, but membership is encouraged for those who attend several times, and is necessary to gain member benefits, such as free entry to the Australian Reptile Park and use of the Reptile Transfer facilities.

Regular attendees at meetings must become members. Monthly meetings provide an opportunity to learn from other members, to expand your herpetological knowledge through guest speakers, to transfer or obtain reptiles and to sort out any problems you may be having with your reptiles.

Visitors to our meetings should be advised that:

There is a small entry fee of $5.00 per repeat visitor (this includes three tickets in our lucky draw)
First time visitors will not be charged
Children 14 years and under will not be charged
Meetings begin with about ten minutes of business (e.g. upcoming field trips, NPWS meeting reports etc) followed by a talk by a guest speaker. Topics are normally listed on the website or as an event on Facebook.

After the meetings and raffle there is general milling about and chatting. If you want information about reptile keeping, it is best to talk to people between 7.00 PM and 7:30 PM (prior to the meeting), and then again at the end of the meeting. You can also join the society at a meeting, or via our website (preferred).

Where and When

The Australian Herpetological Society meets on the fourth Wednesday of every month (except December and January), at the Sydney Mechanics’ School of Arts (SMSA) – Mitchell Theatre, 280 Pitt St, Sydney NSW 2000.

Entry is via Pitt St, take the elevator to level 1. Doors open from 7.00 PM for a 7.30 PM start.

Getting There

Metered parking is available in the streets around the venue from 6 PM, but it’s often difficult to get a spot. So you may be able to park over near the museum, where it is just a short walk across Hyde Park to the venue.

The SMSA has no parking facilities – the closest car parks are World Square and Piccadilly (137 Castlereagh Street).

The closest train stations are Town Hall and Museum. All George Street and Elizabeth Street bus services stop nearby also.

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The Australian Herpetological Society
PO Box R79
Royal Exchange NSW 1225
Meetings held at:
Sydney Mechanics’ School of Arts
Mitchell Theatre – 280 Pitt Street
Sydney NSW 2000, Australia
Meetings held on the 4th Wednesday of every month, excluding December and January
© Copyright 2024 Australian Herpetological Society
Website by Picton Parrot Designs
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